It was widely proclaimed in the months leading up to the General Election in 2019 that the choices available to the general public were socialism or barbarism. When that public apparently elected the barbaric option, I decided to walk away from involvement with politics. I had volunteered time, money and effort hoping for a more positive outcome, but I had nothing left to give. I decided to walk away from rationality and to make a film which had nothing to do with anything.
Shortly after that, I had an extra terrestrial experience where the plot to a three part film was beamed into my mind via a blue laser while I stood on the lawn in the middle of the night during the first days of the Covid-19 lock down in 2020. I began making the first part of the film, shown here, which took 18 months. I had begun making the second part, when I was hospitalised due to a heart infection. It was unclear whether the infection (streptococcus) and my alien implanted plot were related. I had the heart of a gorilla, or a pirate, implanted at some point in June 2021 and when I eventually got home I no longer felt any connection to the film.
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