The wooden cat sculpture belonged to my mother. Her boyfriend, a man called Bernt who lived somewhere in Austria, carved it for her from a piece of oak. She liked the sculpture and it appeared in various locations around my childhood home, despite the fact that my father did not like the sculpture because it was from a previous romance.  So it goes.
Further to the death of all the above participants (information on Bernt was not available, and I am still currently alive), the house belonging to my parents was cleared. My brother and I discussed what was what and at the end of it all the cat was there. I claimed the cat, but then it was just a thing from my youth, and so I decided to give it to charity. Then I changed my mind and sliced it into pieces on a band saw and reassembled it with brass rods.
The Intermittent Cat was chosen to be shown at the RWA 171 Annual Open show in Bristol, September 2024. I put a price of £2000 because I didn't want to sell it, but if you have 2 grand burning a hole in your pocket and you want it, give me a ring, baby.
Intermittent Cat Detail
Intermittent Cat Detail
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